Tag: spaghetti and meat sauce recipe

Spaghetti Sauce Recipe

Spaghetti Sauce Recipe

spaghetti sauce
Spaghetti and Meat Sauce

How to make spaghetti and meat sauce, Cajun style.

You probably weren’t expecting to find a spaghetti sauce recipe on a Cajun cooking website, but since spaghetti is such a basic menu item for most families we decided to put up our family spaghetti and meat sauce recipe.

This is a very quick and easy recipe that the whole family with love.

We have the complete recipe and a video showing step by step exactly how we make it.

How to Cook Spaghetti Sauce – Cajun Style

Utensils needed:

Large pot
Medium saucepan
Measuring cup
Measuring spoons
Cutting board
Wooden spoon

NOTE: The ingredients to this recipe has changed a little bit from the video, since Mike has started cooking the spaghetti sauce.

Otherwise, the video cooking directions still apply.

Ingredients Needed:

2 lbs fresh ground round or ground beef of your choice

spaghetti sauce ingredients
Spaghetti Sauce Ingredients

1 (29 ounce) can of tomato puree or tomato sauce
1 (29 ounce) can or crushed tomatoes
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
1 (14 ounce) can of tomato sauce or puree
4 cups Cajun Trinity (chopped onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic & parsley)
(or 1 bag of seasoning blend)
1 tablespoon olive or canola or vegetable oil
1 tablespoon Cajun seasoning (like Tony’s Creole Seasoning)
2 tablespoons Italian seasoning (oregano, basil, and thyme)
3 Bay leaves
2 cups Rotini pasta or whatever pasta you like (cook 1 cup per person to be served)
Parmesan cheese

How to Cook Spaghetti Sauce – Cajun Style

First have all of your ingredient ready to go before you start cooking.

Chop your Cajun Trinity. (Or use a bag of seasoning blend)

(See How to Make the Cajun Trinity if you need help with this.)spaghetti sauce

In the large pot and medium-high heat #7, place 1 tablespoon oil.

Toss in the Cajun Trinity and sauté 5-10 minutes.

Add the ground beef.

Chop and stir often cooking thoroughly for about 15-20 minutes, until done.

Add the tomato puree, diced tomatoes, tomato paste, Italian seasoning, bay leaves and water.

(If your sauce still need more liquid, you can add another 14 oz can of tomato sauce.)

Stir well.


Lower the heat to #3 and simmer for 30-45 minutes.

Stir occasionally.

(Mysteriously added to my sauce was chunky salsa, ketchup and no telling what else.)

spaghetti sauce
Ready to Serve!

Fill the medium saucepan with water about 2 inches from the top.

Sprinkle in salt (optional) and a little bit of olive oil (or other oil) or butter.

Bring the water to a boil and stir in the pasta.

Lower the heat to #8 to prevent water boiling over.

Cook according to package directions.

Turn off the heat.

Drain in a colander in the sink.

No need rinse.

Bring back to the stove.

To serve Spaghetti Sauce at the table, spoon pasta in a deep platter and cover generously with spaghetti sauce.

Grate fresh Parmesan cheese and sprinkle over the dish.

Spaghetti Sauce serves 8-12.

We typically cook and freeze containers for quick suppers during the busy workweek.

Hope you enjoy!


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Beryl Stokes
Beryl Stokes